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Timmy Time is an animated pre-school children's comedy series. The show is a spin off from the Shaun the Sheep animation which itself is a spin off from the Aardman series Wallace & Gromit, which introduced the character of Shaun. In this series, Timmy and his friends have to learn to share, make friends and accept their mistakes. They are supervised by two teachers, Harriet the Heron and Osbourne the Owl. The show is aimed at pre-school aged children which the company described as "a not natural step for Aardman". The show is made up of ten minute episodes, which do not feature any dialogue, much like Shaun the Sheep.
Characters: Timmy the Lamb, Harriet the Heron, Osbourne the Owl, Yabba the Duckling, Paxton the Piglet, Mittens the Kitten, Ruffy the Puppy, Apricot the Hedgehog pup, Stripey the Badger cub, Kid the Goat, Otus the Owlet, Finlay the Fox pup, Bumpy the green caterpillar
Coloring pages Timmy Time: 43 pcs (update 6.5.2012)
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